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newborn care dubai

10 Must-Know Baby Care Tips For Every New Parent

Parenthood is a wonderful experience. Right from the day you know your little one is on the way, there is a lot of hope and joy in your life. From taking care of one’s health while expecting to prepare their homes to welcome the baby, parents do everything in their power to keep their little one happy, healthy, safe, and loved.

With that said, many parents, especially first-timers may need a little bit more guidance and a lot more support. 

To help parents navigate the ups, downs, twists, and turns of parenthood and newborn care, here are a few essential tips from our pediatric doctors in Dubai that every parent should know-

 Newborn care: Expert Tips For Better Parenting

There are so many articles on the internet that will tell you all the essentials, tips, and hacks about newborn care. In this blog, we will focus on the most important ones that will help keep your little one safe and comfortable during his initial days out in the world.

  • The first thing new parents must know is how to hold their baby. Babies are born with heads measuring almost one-fourth of their total body length. As a result, their center of gravity keeps shifting according to age, body form, and sitting posture. So, when carrying a newborn, always remember to hold them by supporting their head and neck. Also, know that newborns are too young and delicate for rough play. Shaking or jiggling them even for fun is not advised at all at this stage. Whether it’s your first baby or the fifth, you can always reach out to experts for all kinds of support for newborn care post-delivery. For instance, some parents may find it hard to feed their newborn. A lactation consultant or a pediatrician in Dubai can give you the right guidance to get settled into a nursing routine or help you set up the ideal formula feeding strategy.
  • Bonding with your baby is a very intimate process. While it comes naturally for most parents, doing simple activities such as cradling your baby “skin-to-skin”, talking slowly, or giving your baby a massage are some wonderful ways to soothe and bond with your little one at any time of the day. These can also help to settle down your baby when they are agitated or uncomfortable.
  • Make sure to always dress your baby comfortably in soft fabrics. Remember that your baby can’t regulate its body temperature according to its surroundings. So make sure that they are not overly bundled or not wearing enough according to the room temperature. Ideally, your newborn should have the same number of layers of clothes as you have on.
  • Diapering is another crucial point to be noted. You may opt for disposable or for your newborn, depending on your personal preferences. In any case, ensure that you are changing the diapers regularly as newborns tend to pee and poop a lot more than older babies. Never let your baby wear a soiled diaper for long as it can lead to rashes. In case your little one develops a diaper rash, that’s not healing with regular diaper cream, consult with your pediatrician immediately. Newborns don’t need daily baths. Until your baby becomes more mobile, it’s enough if you bathe them three to four times a week. Make sure to moisturize them after a bath so that their skin doesn’t dry out. Your pediatric doctor can give you recommendations for hypoallergenic baby products if you require them.
  • Your baby will have an umbilical cord stump which will dry and fall off in 10 days to three weeks. In the meantime ensure that your newborn’s umbilical cord stump remains clean and dry at all times. After bathing your baby, ensure that the area around the stump is cleaned with soft cotton. Always tie your baby’s diaper below the navel to ensure that the region stays dry. If you find puss or blood around the umbilical cord stump at any point, take your baby to his pediatrician in Dubai immediately as it could be a sign of infection. 
  • Newborns sleep for 16 hours or more, with each sleep window lasting from two to four hours. While putting your little one to sleep, make sure that they are laid on their back to reduce the risk of suffocation or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). If you are using a crib, opt for a firm mattress that does not dip when the baby is placed inside. It’s best not to keep any loose blankets, pillows, crib bumpers, or soft toys inside the crib where the baby sleeps. Co-sleeping with your newborn is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Ideally, your newborn baby should sleep in a crib/bassinet placed in your room where you can reach them at all times.
  • Fever in newborn babies should be treated with caution. Unlike in older babies, a fever of 100.4 or higher in newborns under the age of two months should be taken to the emergency department of a pediatric clinic immediately. Most of these fevers are caused by viruses. Your baby’s pediatric doctor in Dubai will be able to make a full diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment right away.
  • Remember that parenting will be an ongoing and ever-evolving process. So whenever there is something you are concerned about, don’t panic. You can always talk to your child’s pediatrician or refer to trusted resources online to find the best course of action in any situation. Lastly, trust your instincts to keep your little one happy, healthy, and safe.

What next?

Handling a newborn can be a little overwhelming at times. Over time, you will develop a routine that works for you and your little one. As you polish your parenting skills, your baby will also grow, hitting its milestones and moving into toddlerhood faster than you ever imagined! In the meantime, you can talk to our pediatric doctor in Dubai or go through our recommended resources that will help you and your little one grow together.

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