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dentist for kids

Dr Yasmin educating and showing the kids how to properly wash their hands

Dr. Yasmin Kottait educating and showing the kids how to properly wash their hands to keep the coronavirus away!

#repost @dryasminkottait


This is the way we wash our hands!

Did you start teaching your kids how to wash their hand?

We actually need to teach them/ show them/ educate them and demonstrate how they need to wash their hands ….

We also need to teach them about the new virus situation 🦠….

What is it about?

What’s happening with the world?

Why should they eat well to take care of their immunity…

It’s more like a bed time story type of thing but we really really really need to start taking this seriously…

God bless us and our children 🙏🏻😍❤️

Stay safe for them please 🙏🏻😍

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