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Is Tongue-Tie Surgery the Right Choice for Your Baby?

Your newborn baby needs a mother's breast milk as it is the perfect food for them. But what if your baby can't latch on properly and feed? What could be the issues?

Well, there are several reasons that infants can't latch on properly. One of them is tongue-tie, which can be both genetic and acquired. If your baby has this condition, they will have trouble latching on the breast or bottle nipple because their tongues are shorter than normal babies’ tongues.

If you're experiencing breastfeeding difficulties or want to know more about this procedure before making a decision, then read this blog post.

What is a tongue-tie, and how can it affect babies?

A tongue-tie is a condition in which the thin band of tissue under your baby's tongue (frenulum) restricts their movements. It can affect babies’ ability to latch on properly, so they will take more time and effort to feed or need special assistance like suctioning. The good thing is that it's not a problem and can be corrected with surgery.

What causes tongue-tie?

It's genetic, but it can also happen after birth if your baby has trouble latching on the breast or bottle nipples for other reasons (e.g., cleft palate). Some infants might have this condition from birth, but it might not be detected right away. 

Is tongue-tie surgery recommended by Doctors?

Yes, it is. Tongue-tie surgery is the only treatment for tongue-tie that can resolve breastfeeding difficulties and other issues your baby might have due to their condition. Also, it is recommended by the healthcare providers very soon after it is diagnosed. This is because they believe that it can improve breastfeeding problems.

How can tongue-tie affect my baby’s health?

Tongue-tie could lead to various medical problems, including weight loss and dehydration. It might also cause your child to have trouble sleeping or eating properly, which can be stressful for you. On top of that, it's not just the breastfeeding issues; if left untreated, this condition can also lead to dental problems. That is why healthcare providers recommend early diagnosis and treatment because they will help prevent these possible complications from happening in the future.

What will happen after my baby's tongue-tied procedure?

It depends on what kind of surgery you choose (if any). If it’s an infant Frenotomy or laser release, then babies usually wake up with no pain at all. They may even be able to latch on without assistance right away if they had trouble feeding before. However, there are some cases in which infants need more time to recover from the effects of anesthesia, so make sure you follow your doctor's advice about caring for them after this procedure just in case.

Is tongue-tie surgery safe? What are the risks?

There are several risks associated with the surgery, although they are relatively uncommon. They include:

·      Bleeding

·      Poor feeding

·      Airway obstruction

·      Scarring

·      Damage to the saliva ducts

What are the types of Tongue-Tie Surgery?

Tongue-tie surgery is no longer a one-size-fits-all procedure. The operations come in many forms, and they aren't all the same. The frenulum does not contain many nerves or vessels, so the operation will not usually be painful or cause much bleeding.

If you choose to have tongue-tie surgery for your child, your healthcare provider will assist you in selecting the best treatment option for him. 

1- Laser Surgery

This is the most advanced type of tongue-tie surgery. It uses a laser to release the frenulum, which helps your baby with breastfeeding and other feeding issues quickly after it is done.

Also, this method doesn't require stitches because there are no blood vessels in that area so that healing time will be faster than any other type of surgery. This procedure also has fewer risks involved for both you and your child.

2- Frenuloplasty

This is the simplest type of tongue-tie surgery. It uses a sharp object to release the frenulum, resulting in some bleeding due to blood vessels present there. This surgery also doesn't involve any stitches so your baby will recover more quickly.

3- Frenotomy

This is the simplest type of tongue-tie surgery. It uses a sharp object to release the frenulum, resulting in some bleeding due to blood vessels present there. However, it doesn't involve any stitches because of this, so your baby will recover more quickly.

How long does my child's recovery time after having their operation?

The length of your baby’s postoperative care can vary. It depends on what kind of procedure they have done and how much discomfort they feel during their recovery period. However, most children can return home within one day if everything goes according to plan.

Is Tongue-Tie Surgery Right For Your Baby?

A frenotomy may be the best option for your baby. But before blaming a baby's tongue-tie, you can also consult with a lactation consultant, speech therapist, and pediatrician to rule out other reasons for poor latch or nipple discomfort.

Call us now at +971559311752 to schedule an appointment with our experienced doctors today! We can help you figure out whether or not this procedure is necessary for your baby.