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We are committed to empowering parents with valuable content that enriches your lives and gives you the tools you need to ensure a wholesome and healthy life for your children. For the latest how-to’s, to-do’s, and pediatrics news, read our blog. The pediatricians, child nutritionist and pediatric dentist share their advice, along with dental and nutrition advice for adults.

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A Guide to Helping Kids Eat More Greens

Is your toddler showing tantrums while having veggies? Does he/she run away as you bring green vegetables to eat? Motivating kids to eat veggies is

Does Tongue Tie Hurt the Baby

Does Tongue Tie Hurt the Baby?

The condition ‘tongue tie’ is also known as ankyloglossia. The movement of the tongue gets limited to an extent due to this condition in some

6 Symptoms of Tongue Tie in Children

6 symptoms of tongue tie in children

The link between the front of the tongue and the floor of the mouth usually disappears as the infant grows. The tongue’s back remains connected.