Oral Hygiene For children with Special Needs – By Dr. Yasmin Kottait, Pediatric Dentist in Dubai
Dr. Yasmin Kottait, Pediatric Dentist in Dubai: Balancing the requirements of a special needs child can be very challenging for parents. If you are the parent of a special needs child, it’s important that you educate them about the importance of dental hygiene and how to maintain it. And do not underestimate their capability to cooperate. You will be surprised!
من الضروري جداً تعليم الأطفال ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة أهمية الإهتمام بصحة أسنانهم. وسوف تتفاجئون عندما تجدوا أن لديهم قدرة هائلة على التعاون والاستيعاب