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Iron and Vitamin D deficiency in Children – By Dr. Medhat Abu-Shaaban, Pediatrician in Dubai

Dr. Medhat Abu-Shaaban, Pediatrician in Dubai: Most of the times, a deficiency in Iron or Vitamin D goes unnoticed. We can only discover it by doing routine blood tests. A deficiency in these elements must be compensated with supplements as they are important for a healthy physical and mental development including the IQ.


نقص في مخزون الحديد أو فيتامين د عند الأطفال يؤثر على نموهم الجسدي والعقلي. لذلك يجب إجراء فحوص الدم الروتينية وتعويض أي نقص في هذه العناصر. ‏

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