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5 Signs Your Baby Has a Tongue-Tie and Ways to Treat It

5 Signs Your Baby Has a Tongue-Tie and Ways to Treat It

Tongue-tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a condition present at birth in which your child’s tongue remains attached to the floor of their mouth, restricting the tongue’s movement. While tongue-tie can affect people of all ages, it’s particularly common in newborn babies. Identifying the tongue-tie signs early from the best Pediatric Dentist in Dubai is crucial for ensuring proper feeding and speech development. 

Here, we’ll explore the five common signs your baby may have a tongue-tie and explore treatment options like tongue tie surgery recommended by the Pediatric Dentist in Dubai. 

Common Signs Indicating That Your Child Has A Tongue-Tie Condition  

#1. Difficulty Breastfeeding

One of the earliest signs of tongue-tie in babies is difficulty breastfeeding. Babies with tongue-tie conditions may struggle to latch onto the breast properly due to limited tongue movement. This can lead to inefficient feeding, causing concerns for both the baby and the mother. 

If your baby is having trouble staying latched, making clicking noises while nursing, or seems constantly hungry despite feeding, it could be a sign of tongue-tie, which requires consultation from the best Kids Dentist in Dubai.

#2. Poor Weight Gain

Another indicator of tongue tie in infants is poor weight gain. Since breastfeeding is often affected by tongue tie, newborn babies may not consume enough milk during feedings, resulting in inadequate weight gain. 

Parents should monitor their baby’s weight gain closely, as consistent low weight gain could signal an issue such as tongue-tie.

#3. Difficulty with Bottle Feeding

While tongue tie primarily affects breastfeeding, it can also impact bottle feeding as well. Babies with tongue- ties may struggle to create a proper seal around the bottle nipple, leading to increased air intake and potential discomfort during feeding. 

If your baby seems to gag frequently while bottle feeding, has difficulty coordinating sucking and swallowing, or displays signs of frustration during feedings, it’s worth considering the possibility of tongue-tie. In such a case, visiting the Pediatric Dentists at the best Pediatric Dental Clinic is the right thing to do. 

#4. Speech Development Delays

In some cases, tongue-tie may not cause noticeable issues until later in childhood, when speech development begins. Children with untreated tongue-tie may experience delays in speech development, such as difficulty pronouncing certain sounds such as “d,” “l,” “r,” “s,” “t,” “th,” “s,” and “z”. 

If you notice continuous speech issues as your child grows older, consulting with the best Pediatric Dentist in Dubai can help determine if tongue-tie is a contributing factor to this problem.

#5. Visible Signs

In addition to functional difficulties, there are visible signs that may indicate tongue-tie in babies. These include a heart-shaped or notched appearance to the tip of the tongue when the baby sticks it out. 

In such a case, there will be a limited upward or side-to-side movement of the tongue, or a tongue that appears connected to the floor of the mouth. While these visual signs may not always be present, they can provide valuable information when assessing for tongue-tie. 

Treatment Options for Tongue-tie in Children

If you suspect your baby has a tongue tie based on the signs mentioned above, it’s essential to seek an evaluation from a Pediatric Dentist in Dubai. Pediatricians who are experts in tongue tie can also confirm the diagnosis and discuss treatment options like tongue-tie surgery tailored to your baby’s specific needs. 

Here are some common treatment options for tongue-tie in little children:

#1. Frenectomy (Tongue-Tie Release)

Frenectomy, also known as tongue tie release, is a simple and relatively quick procedure performed to release the tight or thick band of tissue (frenulum) that is causing the tongue tie. 

During the tongue-tie surgery procedure, the Dentist uses a laser or radiofrequency to remove the frenulum, allowing the tongue greater freedom of movement. A frenectomy is typically performed in the Pediatric Dental Clinic in Dubai and often provides immediate relief for the baby.

#2. Stretching Exercises

After a tongue and lip tie surgery, Pediatric Dentists may recommend gentle stretching exercises to prevent the frenulum from reattaching and promote better healing. 

These exercises involve gently lifting the baby’s tongue and moving it from side to side several times a day. It’s essential to follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and prevent complications for your little child.

#3. Lactation Support

For breastfeeding mothers, seeking support from a lactation consultant in Dubai can be helpful, especially if tongue-tie has impacted breastfeeding success. A lactation consultant can provide guidance on positioning and latch techniques to optimize breastfeeding outcomes for both the baby and the mother. They can also offer support and reassurance throughout the treatment process.

#4. Speech Therapy

In cases where tongue-tie has led to speech development delays, speech therapy may be recommended as part of the treatment plan. Pediatric Dentists or Pediatricians who are experts in tongue tie can work with children to improve tongue mobility, oral muscle strength, and articulation skills, helping them overcome speech challenges associated with tongue-tie.

#5. Ongoing Monitoring and Care

Following tongue-tie surgery, ongoing monitoring of your baby’s feeding, growth, and development is essential. Regular follow-up appointments with your Pediatric Dentists in Dubai allow for close observation of progress and early intervention if any issues arise. Monitoring your baby’s feeding habits, weight gain, and milestones can help ensure their post-treatment care.

Final Comments 

Tongue tie is a common condition in newborns that can affect breastfeeding, weight gain, and speech development if left untreated by parents or caregivers. By recognizing the tongue-tie signs early and seeking appropriate evaluation and treatment from the best Pediatric Dentist in Dubai, parents can help their babies overcome the challenges associated with tongue-tie or lip-tie and promote optimal growth and development. 

Whether through a simple frenotomy procedure, supportive therapies, or ongoing monitoring, early tongue-tie surgery can make a significant difference in your baby’s well-being and long-term results. If you have concerns about your baby’s tongue tie, consider reaching out to dentists at the best Pediatric Dental Clinic in Dubai for effective guidance and support.

Comprehensive Tongue-Tie and Lip-Tie Care at myPediaclinic

At myPediaclinic, the best Pediatric Dental Clinic in Dubai, we prioritize the well-being of your baby by offering expert evaluation and diagnosis of tongue-tie and lip-tie. Our team of skilled Pediatric Dentists and Pediatricians who are experts in tongue tie conducts thorough assessments to determine the severity of the condition and its impact on feeding and development. With a keen eye for detail and years of experience, we provide accurate tongue-tie or lip-tie diagnosis, leading to personalized treatment plans that cater to your baby’s specific needs.

After a tongue-tie or lip-tie diagnosis, myPediaclinic team collaborates closely with parents to curate personalized treatment plans for your little one. Whether your baby requires a frenectomy using a radiofrequency or laser-assisted approach, we offer guidance and support throughout the decision-making process. With a commitment to individualized care, we empower parents with the information and resources they need to make informed choices for their baby’s health and well-being.

Following tongue-tie treatment, the best Kids Dentist in Dubai at myPediaclinic continues to provide comprehensive care through ongoing monitoring and follow-up appointments. Our Pediatricians, who are experts in tongue tie, remain dedicated to your baby’s progress, scheduling regular check-ups to assess feeding, weight gain, and developmental milestones. By offering continuous support and guidance, we ensure that your baby receives the best possible care and achieves better results in their journey towards health and development.

For more information on diagnosis or tongue and lip-tie surgery for your child, book an appointment with myPediaclinic today. 

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