Frequent vision and hearing screenings are preventive care for your newborns, infants, or toddlers. Pediatric eyesight and vision check ups help in identifying any abnormalities or disorders in your child’s sighting and hearing ability. Through screenings, our Pediatrician will thoroughly examine your child’s eyes and ears, helping your child live happily in regular life.
Having good vision and hearing abilities is even helpful in your child’s overall well-being and development. At myPediaclinic, we provide high-quality Pediatric hearing and vision screening depending on your child’s age and other physical conditions. We focus on examining and identifying your child’s eyesight and hearing abilities that usually remain undetected in normal life and need immediate attention. From sight and sound defects, infections, and, other health concerns, we conduct necessary tests for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Vision screening in infants commonly begins at approximately 6 months of age. By this time, infants generally have adequate visual abilities to undergo fundamental vision checkups. However, it is crucial to note that regular follow-up screenings and comprehensive eye exams throughout childhood are essential to monitor and address any changes or developments in vision that may occur as the child grows.
myPediaclinic offers a fun, loving, & entertaining atmosphere making the Pediatric clinic visit happier even for children with special needs and autism. Our hearing and vision tests help your child in having improved communication, safety, and much-needed confidence. Book your appointment with our highly experienced doctors to find out more about how hearing and vision screening can impact your child’s growth and development.