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My Pedia Clinic - MPC 5 Tips for Overcoming Your Childs Picky Eating Habits 1

5 Tips for Overcoming Your Child’s Picky Eating Habits

Parenting comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of the most common struggles is dealing with a picky eating habit. If your child turns their nose up at anything green or refuses to try new foods, you’re not alone. Picky eating habits are a common problem for parents these days. The good news is that with the guidance of a Nutritionist in Dubai and a bit of patience and creativity, you can help your child develop a more varied and nutritious diet. 

Here, we’ll explore five practical and proven tips to overcome your child’s picky eating habits and ensure proper nutrition.

#1. Create a Positive Food Environment

The way you present food to your child plays a crucial role in their willingness to try new things. Start by creating a positive and relaxed mealtime atmosphere at home. Avoid making mealtimes a battleground and instead focus on making them enjoyable for your little one. Sit down together as a family, turn off distractions like TV or electronic devices, and engage in pleasant conversations while enjoying the meal. 

Additionally, involve your child in the food preparation process. Bring your children along for grocery shopping, allowing them to pick out fruits, vegetables, or other nutritious options. When kids feel a sense of control over their food choices, they become more open to try new things. Encourage them to help with simple tasks like washing vegetables or stirring ingredients, making the experience more interactive and enjoyable.

#2. Introduce new foods gradually.

Introducing new foods can be a delicate process, especially with children who are picky eaters. Instead of overwhelming your child with an entirely new menu, start by adding small changes to familiar dishes. If you need help with the proper nutrition or diet plan for your child, consider seeking guidance from the best Dietician in Dubai. For example, if your child enjoys pasta, try adding a few finely chopped vegetables or a different type of sauce.

This approach to slowly introducing new food items into your child’s diet will help them get familiar with different tastes without feeling pressured. Keep in mind that it may take several attempts before your child develops a liking for a particular food, so be patient and persistent. Repeated exposure to the new food items helps to familiarize them with the taste, making them more likely to accept it over time.

#3. Be a role model.

Children often mimic the behaviors of those around them, so it’s essential to set a positive example when it comes to eating habits. If your child sees you enjoying a variety of foods and expressing enthusiasm for trying new things, they are more likely to follow the same.

Make family mealtimes a shared experience where everyone explores new foods together. Share stories about the flavors and textures you enjoy, and express real excitement about trying something different. Avoid negative comments about certain foods, as this can influence your child’s perception and create unnecessary disliking.

In addition to being a positive role model, involve your child in the meal planning process. Let them contribute ideas for the weekly menu or choose a recipe to try together. This collaborative approach empowers your child and encourages them to be more open to diverse food options.

#4. Include Nutrients Creatively

If your child is resistant to certain food groups, get creative by including nutrients without them noticing. Incorporate vegetables into sauces, smoothies, or casseroles, where their taste and texture are less prominent. For example, blend spinach into a fruit smoothie or add finely grated carrots to spaghetti sauce. You can also seek the help of a Nutritionist in Dubai to plan healthy and tasty meals for your child.

Experimenting with different cooking techniques can also make certain foods more appealing. Roasting vegetables with olive oil or incorporating herbs and spices can enhance flavors and make them more tasteful. Remember, the goal is not to trick your child but to gradually expand their taste while ensuring they receive essential nutrients.

Consider introducing healthy snacks that mimic the flavors of their favorite treats. For instance, homemade vegetable chips or fruit popsicles can be a fun way to incorporate nutritious ingredients easily. As your child becomes familiar with these healthier alternatives, you can gradually reduce their dependence on unhealthy options.

#5. Establish Routine and Consistency

Children thrive on routine and consistency, and this applies to their eating habits as well. Set regular meal and snack times to create a predictable schedule for your child. Avoid allowing them to eat snacks throughout the day, as this can lead to a decreased appetite during mealtimes.

When planning meals, include a mix of familiar and new foods. Having a balanced variety recommended by a Nutritionist in Dubai on your child’s plate encourages exploration and helps develop a well-rounded diet. Be patient, and avoid pressuring your child to finish everything on their plate. Instead, focus on creating a positive experience around food, focusing on the importance of trying new things.

Consistency also extends to the rules you establish around mealtime behavior. Encourage good manners, such as sitting at the table and using utensils, to create a positive connection with mealtimes. Avoid using food as a reward or punishment, as this can contribute to your child’s unhealthy attitudes towards eating.


Overcoming picky eating habits in children requires patience, creativity, and a positive approach. By creating a welcoming food environment, gradually introducing new foods, being a positive role model, sneaking in nutrients creatively, and establishing routine and consistency with the help of the best Nutritionist in Dubai, you can help your child develop a more varied and nutritious diet.

Keep in mind that each child is distinct, and what proves effective for one may not necessarily be suitable for another. Be flexible and follow these tips to suit your child’s preferences and personality. With time and effort, you can turn mealtimes into enjoyable and stress-free experiences for the entire family.

Nurturing Healthy Habits at myPediaclinic!

At myPediaclinic, we understand the challenges parents face when dealing with their child’s picky eating habits. Our dedicated team of the best Pediatricians and Nutritionists in Dubai is committed to providing practical solutions to promote healthy eating habits in children. We offer personalized guidance to create a positive food environment, gradually introduce new and nutritious foods, and support parents in being positive role models for their little ones.

Beyond addressing picky eating, myPediaclinic specializes in comprehensive nutritional care and growth support for your child. Our Pediatricians and Dieticians collaborate with parents to develop customized plans that focus on creative ways to introduce essential nutrients, establish consistent mealtime routines, and encourage an overall positive approach to food.

With our guidance, you can ensure your child receives the necessary nutrition for healthy growth and development, transforming mealtimes into enjoyable and stress-free experiences for the entire family. Schedule an appointment with our Nutrition Doctor in Dubai today and watch your child thrive as they enjoy delicious flavors while embracing a nutritious lifestyle.

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