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What are molluscums and what can I do if my child has it? by Dr. Medhat Abu-Shaaban, Pediatrician at myPediaclinic Dubai

Any skin condition such as rashes can be worrisome for parents, especially if things appear that the parent has not seen before. Some may be transient skin conditions that go away on their own and others may be contagious and need medical intervention. Dr. Medhat Abu-Shaaban, pediatrician and medical director at myPediaclinic (Voted best pediatric clinic in Dubai) has written the below article discussing a skin disease that he sees and treats often at myPediaclinic clinic using radiofrequency, molluscums.

What do molluscums look like?

Molluscums are small, raised, and usually white, pink, or skin colored with a dimple in the middle. It looks like a skin tag but is very different.

What causes molluscums?

Molluscums that appear on the body are a result of a virus called Molluscum contagiosum.

Is it contagious?

Yes it is. Through towels or direct skin touching. The virus can be spread from one person to the other or from one area to the other (in the same person). This is why it may be found on any part of the body.

Does it go away on its own or does it need treatment?

Molluscums can go away on their own but it may take months or years to be cleared. If the child scratches it, it may become infected. It can however be removed through a variety of methods.

Can molluscums be removed?

Yes they can using a variety of methods such as topical creams or freezing. At myPediaclinic we use radio-frequency to remove the molluscums and kill the virus. This method leaves no scarring.

Dr. Medhat Abu-Shaaban has discussed molluscums and how to remove them on an interview on MBC1, you can watch it by clicking on the following image.

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